Sports & Activities
1.Components of Fitness
-Aerobic fitness: walking, running, skipping, galloping, jumping rope, jumping jacks
-Muscular fitness: push-ups, shoulder touches, planks, calf raises, squats, etc
-Flexibility: various stretches for the entire body
2. Locomotor skill development: hopping, jumping, skipping, galloping, running, walking.
3. Development of various motor skills: throwing and catching various balls, and a frisbee, dribbling with hands or feet, volleying, bumping, setting, striking with a baseball bat or hockey stick.
4. Components of Skill Related Fitness:
1. Agility
2. Balance
3. Coordination
4. Speed
5. Reaction Time
6. Power
5. Sports and Activities:
Throwing and catching
Fitness stations
Tai Chi
Jumping and landing skills